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CONFORMiT’s New Generation

14 June 2023

Sustainable development at CONFORMiT also involves taking care of our youth, helping them grow, experimenting the corporate life, assisting them in making an impact and guiding them to find their own style of collaboration and participation.


We realize that young people are increasingly seeking an agile style of leadership and more autonomy. Traditional hierarchy is becoming less appealing to them.


Guillaume and Yohan recently joined us as interns from Cégep de Jonquière. The reason they chose CONFORMiT is clearly because of the people. It is often said that first impressions matter, and it turns out that was the case for Guillaume and Yohan, and it still holds true today. The stress of the first few days when joining a new company or environment? They haven’t felt it once at CONFORMiT, and that’s thanks to the people who work here.


In fact, Guillaume puts it very aptly: “When you want to get up in the morning, it’s often 80% the team and 20% the work. I would say that at CONFORMiT, we have the 80% team; everyone is equal, the cohort leaders don’t look down on us, and the team makes a difference.”


That’s what initially attracted Yohan: our agile approach with the autonomy that employees have, being part of cohorts with leaders, without a strict hierarchical system.


Ultimately, the new generations need connection, and they don’t necessarily seek a 100% work-from-home but rather a human, pleasant, available team that communicates, makes them feel comfortable, and respects them. Simply put, people they enjoy working with.




Welcome again, Yohan and Guillaume!


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Written by CONFORMiT