Release Notes

Week of March 17, 2025

Deployment of Minor Fixes

Week of March 10, 2025

Manual Inspection Dates in Exports

Since the addition of functionality related to web-based inspections, it has been possible to manually modify the inspection date to reflect the actual date the inspection was conducted. While this date was considered in the platform’s dashboards, it was not included in the CSV exports, which instead indicated the completion date of each observation point to calculate the inspection duration. To avoid any confusion, the inspection date has been added as a new column in the data exports.

Week of March 3, 2025

Safe Work Procedures

A new module for safe work procedures enables employees to be properly trained on the technical steps of a task and the associated risks. These procedures emphasize the necessary control measures and safety equipment to mitigate these risks.

Configure the List of Injury Types

We understand that the standardized list of injury types can sometimes be tedious to use. As a result, we have now provided the option to simplify this list by selecting only the injury types you wish to display to your colleagues.

Week of February 24, 2025

Deployment of Minor Fixes

If you need further clarification on any of the updates or their applications in your workplace, feel free to ask!

Week of February 17, 2024

Search Field in the Inspection List

To help you find inspections more quickly, you can now search across all the fields displayed in your inspection list. As a bonus, the search field will also look through the additional comments provided by inspectors, allowing you to find all inspections with similar results.

Configure the List of Body Parts

We understand that the list of injury locations, while standardized, can sometimes be cumbersome to use. Therefore, we have allowed you to simplify it by selecting only the body parts you wish to display to your colleagues.

Week of February 10, 2024

Step Numbering Option

It is now possible to modify the type of numbering for lockout procedures. In addition to the current “sequential” mode, which numbers the steps consecutively, you can now use the “by section” mode, allowing the steps to restart at 1 in each section (Shutdown, Isolation, and Removal of Isolation). This option provides a more logical sequence for the worker, especially during the removal of isolation that occurs later. This new configuration affects all procedures without requiring their reapproval.

Week of February 3, 2024

Deployment of Minor Fixes

Week of January 27, 2025

Addition of Mandatory Corrective Actions for Non-Conformities

Since not all observation points have the same impact on the health and safety of your colleagues, you can now define whether corrective actions must be taken when non-conformities are identified during inspections. This ensures that high-risk situations are properly managed.

Week of January 20, 2025

GPS Tracking Activation During Inspections

You can now enable or disable GPS location tracking directly within the software during inspections. In addition to knowing the duration of the inspection, you can now verify whether the scheduled inspection was actually completed on-site or from an office.

Details of Recurring Non-Conformities

Beyond identifying which observation points are most frequently non-compliant in your organization, you can now access detailed information about them. This allows you to determine the source of each non-conformity and check whether actions have been taken to resolve them.

Week of January 13, 2025

Deployment of Minor Fixes

Week of January 6, 2025

Manual Lock Calculation for a Lockout Sheet

The manual management of locks allows you to add the necessary locks for lockout when they are not linked to devices (for example, boxes, especially during a cascading lockout that requires multiple boxes). Thus, workers can bring with them the adequate number of locks.

Risk Archiving

Because it’s important to retain information related to risks identified in your company, but sometimes you may dispose of certain equipment, you can now archive risks on the platform. Archived risks can be consulted at any time and retain their entire history. However, they are no longer considered in the platform’s various indicators to avoid impacting your performance statistics.

Finding Inspections Linked to a CAPA from Data Exports

Even though the information was easily accessible on the platform, it could be challenging to find the source of a CAPA from the data export. In addition to indicating which non-conformity a CAPA is linked to, it is now possible to know exactly which inspection the non-conformity comes from.

Control of Email Summary Notifications for Planning

To prevent all users from being overwhelmed with emails related to scheduled inspections, we have allowed administrators to choose whether or not summary emails of inspections should be sent to users.

Details of Recurrent Non-Conformities

Beyond being able to know which observation points are most often non-compliant in your organization, you can now know the details of these. You will now be able to know where each of these non-conformities comes from and even know if actions have been taken to address each one.

Week of December 30, 2024

Email Summary Notification Control

To prevent all users from being overwhelmed with emails related to scheduled inspections, we have allowed administrators to choose whether the inspection summary emails should be sent to users or not.


Week of December 23, 2024

Risk Archiving

Because it is important to retain information related to risks identified in your company, but sometimes you may dispose of certain equipment, you can now archive risks on the platform. Archived risks can be consulted at any time and retain their full history. However, they are no longer considered in the platform’s various indicators to avoid impacting your performance statistics.


Week of December 16, 2024

Subcontractor Management (External Personnel)

This new feature now allows you to document individuals external to the organization, providing a clear identification of individuals, whether they are internal or external, and, among other things, knowing which company they work for.

Task Restriction by Unit

To reduce the size of the task list each user sees when creating a risk, you can now determine the units associated with each task. When selecting the task associated with the risk, only the tasks related to the units selected earlier will be displayed.

Position Restriction by Unit

Similar to tasks, positions can now also be associated with units to reduce the size of selection lists for those conducting risk inventories. The selection of a task works in conjunction with this new feature: Only the positions linked to the selected units and the task will be automatically added.


Week of December 9, 2024

Task Details

To avoid creating new tasks in your reference list for every variation of work to be performed, we have added the ability to document task details in your risk analyses. You can now organize your official task list to easily analyze similar tasks and allow users to document work details in each risk.

Week of December 2, 2024

Lockout Tagout Sheet Merging

It is now possible to merge lockout tagout sheets. All the steps from the selected sheets are aggregated into a new sheet, without duplicates of identical devices. This feature allows for the quick merging of device procedures for relevant equipment into a single procedure during a shutdown, sector maintenance, or a task involving multiple pieces of equipment.

Week of November 25, 2024

PDF of Versions in Lockout Tagout Sheet History

It is now possible to view previous versions of lockout tagout sheets in the history. A PDF of the content is saved whenever the status of the sheet changes. This makes it easier to review changes made between versions during approvals and revisions. It also greatly facilitates due diligence of the content.

Week of November 18, 2024

Deployment of Minor Fixes

Week of November 11, 2024

List of Recurring Non-Compliances

When multiple people conduct inspections, it can be complicated to quickly identify which observation points impact the level of compliance. Is it just one observation point that is causing issues throughout the organization, or does each department have different problems to address? To help you answer this question, you can now view the list of recurring non-compliances in the software. This allows you to focus your efforts on the points that will have the most impact at each level of your organization.

Week of November 4, 2024

Inspection Planning Report

To help you stay informed about upcoming work, you can now be notified of scheduled inspections by email. The list you receive is specifically designed to display only the points that concern you.

Week of October 28, 2024

Lockout Tagout Sheets Linking

It is now possible to link/sequence a series of lockout tagout sheets starting from a first sheet. This feature allows for “cascading” lockout tagout, meaning the lockout tagout of multiple pieces of equipment in a specific execution order. The sheets for the different pieces of equipment can thus all be printed with a single click, and the approval of the sequence ensures safe execution.

Week of October 21, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of October 14, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of October 7, 2024

Risk Export Optimization
A new export feature has been added to the risk list, allowing the export of only the current view in Excel format, making it easier to work with targeted data and share specific information. This option, called “Export current view in Excel format,” generates a file containing only the risks in the current list, taking into account all applied filters. The Excel file is downloaded automatically and includes all available columns, regardless of pagination.

Week of September 30, 2024

Enhanced Efficiency with Subject Search During Mobile Inspections

Creating inspections on mobile devices is now easier with a new search feature. At the subject selection step, you can now instantly search by ID or name, eliminating the need to manually browse through lists.

Minor Web Interface Improvements

Creation of corrective actions: The toggle indicating whether an action is already in place has been moved to the top of the slider for better clarity. 

Comment field on questions. The asterisk has been removed (as the comment is not mandatory). Error messages have been adjusted to better indicate when a comment is not published or during the submission of an inspection.

New Filters in the History of a Lockout Tagout Form
It is now possible to filter events in the history by type (Lifecycle, Modifications, Uses, All) using tabs. This feature greatly facilitates the search among the many events in the history. Note that the “Lifecycle” filter includes creation and status transitions, and the “Uses” filter includes printings and mobile uses.

Week of September 23, 2024

Deployment of minor bug fixes

Week of September 16, 2024

Support for roles assignable to event workflow statuses
It is now possible to specify exactly which roles can be used when assigning users to a workflow step of an event. This simplifies the available choices during assignment and ensures that users responsible for a step follow internal business rules.
A new permission to allow or prevent the modification of events is also integrated to ensure that only relevant users can adjust event information.

Week of September 9, 2024

Improved flexibility of printed lockout sheet format
To ensure that the client’s terminologies can be used on the printed sheet, it is now possible to rename the column headers in the participant section of the lockout sheet.

Week of September 2, 2024

Creating inspections from the web
It is now possible to create, complete, and submit inspections directly from the platform’s web interface. This functionality offers more flexibility to users, particularly managers, who can now manage the entire inspection process from a computer.

Week of August 26, 2024

History of modifications to completed inspections
We have now added the modification history for completed inspections. This feature allows tracking of all changes made to dates and units after their completion, ever since it became possible to modify this information.
It is possible to view values before and after each modification, as well as details about the author and time of the change, enhancing transparency and traceability.

Removal of the “Date of Birth” column in the event list
To streamline and simplify the event list, the “Date of Birth” column has been removed.

Week of August 19, 2024

Labels Column in the Risk List
The labels of a risk are now available in the list to help better target ongoing, completed, or pending follow-up risks.

Quick Addition of Consequences
The consequence selector has been reprogrammed to allow for more efficient addition with three times fewer clicks.

CAPAs Added to Responsibilities and Assignments
The home section displaying a summary of ongoing assignments now includes CAPAs.

Week of August 12, 2024

Update Notes
Descriptions of new features integrated into the platform are now easily accessible through a link in the top menu.

Support for Assignable Roles in CAPA Workflow Statuses
It is now possible to specify exactly which roles can be used when assigning users to a step in a CAPA workflow. This simplifies the available choices during assignment and ensures that users in charge of a step adhere to internal business rules.

A new permission to allow or prevent the modification of CAPAs is also integrated to ensure that only the relevant users can adjust CAPA information.

Modification of the Date and Unit on a Completed Inspection
We have added the ability to modify the date and unit of an inspection even after its completion. This feature provides greater flexibility in managing inspections, allowing users to adjust or correct post-inspection information as needed for operational purposes.

Please note that, while modification is now possible, a modification history will be implemented in a future release. This history will be retroactive, including all modifications made since the activation of this feature. Users will then be able to view the values before and after each modification, as well as details on who made the change and when it was done.

Addition of CAPAs in the Assignments Section
CAPAs assigned to your user now appear in the assignments section of the home screen.

Week of August 5, 2024

Adjusted Contingency Plan for Windows Servers
To ensure the smooth operation of the contingency plan on a Windows server, the functionality has been improved. All records are now saved in the root directory to bypass certain issues on Windows, and a CSV file is now available, serving as an index for consulting the records.

Improved Display of Column Titles on Printed Lockout/Tagout Sheets
To ensure that the column titles match the client’s nomenclature, the character limit has been increased.

Improved Flexibility of Printed Lockout/Tagout Sheet Formats
To ensure that the client’s terminologies can be used on the printed sheet, it is now possible to rename all fields in the lockout/tagout information section.

Increased Flexibility for Mechanism Types
To increase flexibility, simplicity, and speed in creating new mechanism types, it is now possible to create a mechanism without a pictogram.

Week of July 29th, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of July 22th, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of July 15th, 2024

New parameters available on the API risk export route

A new risk export route is available with several parameters allowing efficient synchronization with other systems.

Optimized display of the power supply scheme on printed lockout sheets

Now, when viewing a printed lockout sheet, below each step involving the use of a device, the other devices or machines it powers will be clearly indicated. This new visual reminder allows personnel to quickly identify the consequences of a lockout on powered devices and check if a specific isolation point is involved in the process before intervening.

Improved management of devices by organizational unit in a corporation

We have established a stricter correlation between devices and organizational units, restricting access and visibility of devices to the specific site to which they belong. To achieve this, we have automated the assignment of an organizational unit to each device based on a thorough analysis of existing data. Authorized users can, of course, adjust the chosen hierarchical level of a device to ensure correct and restricted access to relevant users. Thanks to this update, users can focus exclusively on the devices of their site, reducing potential errors. A rule follows from this: a device must have a unique identifier within its organizational unit (and its sub-units) to ensure actual uniqueness on the ground.

Intuitive user interface for device selection

The device selection has been reviewed for better visual clarity, allowing easy distinction between types of devices and quick identification of locations in case of duplicates. This improvement makes device selection more intuitive and efficient, while reducing the risk of errors.

Extended description capacity for work reasons

To meet the needs of customers with complex operations, we have significantly increased the number of lines available to describe the reason for work in the lockout sheet template. Where the limit was previously set at five lines, it is now possible to include a more detailed and comprehensive description.

Week of July 8th, 2024

Performance improvements in risk search and export

Risk search and data export are now at least 5 times faster than before.

Addition of trends in the risk dashboard

The risk dashboard now displays a distribution of risks according to their level of criticality, source, and level of completion, allowing users to effectively track the reality of dangerous elements in the field.

Week of July 1st, 2024

Response Addendum

It is now possible to add a response addendum for each inspection point within the topics. This feature allows for the collection of additional (mandatory) information for each inspection point where it is enabled, thereby improving the accuracy and reliability of the data collected. This information will be visible in printed reports and data extracts for statistical purposes.

Display of Required Positions in Lockout Steps

From now on, the necessary positions, such as the electrician position, will be clearly indicated in the corresponding lockout steps. This function is particularly useful for procedures involving the securing of high-risk energy sources. For this information to appear, it is imperative to activate a dedicated option within the print template you are using.

Week of June 23rd, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of June 16th, 2024

Risk Index Calculation Details

The risk interface now features a detailed visualization of the complete calculation formula, including the selected parameters. This enables a clear understanding of how the risk index is calculated and ensures its validity, for both the initial and residual risk.

Addition of Index Values

The risk entry interface now displays the numerical result of the calculation, in addition to the index, or the cell of the matrix resulting from the calculation. This allows for a more precise prioritization and understanding of the risks and their danger level.

Improvements to List Mechanics in Settings

An update has improved the display of newly created items within their respective lists, making their visualization more intuitive. When navigating vertically in the interface, the selectable fields no longer visually dominate the other editable areas.

Furthermore, the interface for the list of risk components has been revised and modernized for better clarity. Users can now more easily distinguish editable elements and understand the potential consequences of these modifications.

Addition of Safety Equipment

A list of safety equipment is now available within the organizational settings. It allows users to determine the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) for each energy source or lockout device. To ensure that this information is visible on printed forms, it is imperative to activate a specific option in the printing template used. Beyond classic PPE, this enriched feature offers the possibility to specify all types of equipment required in work permits.

Week of June 9th, 2024

Increased flexibility in naming positions and tasks

We have increased the number of characters allowed for titles and descriptions of positions and work tasks, which allows for greater precision in descriptive texts.

Week of June 2nd, 2024

Strengthening Machine Synchronization with the Legacy Version

An update to the codebase has been made to strengthen the usage conditions covered by synchronization.

We are now adding an option to print the deficiency page on a lockout tagout sheet.

The deficiency page may not always be necessary. For example, for a simple lockout with few isolation points and which hardly ever changes, a manager might deem it unnecessary to add an extra page for the lockout procedure and thus may not wish to print it.

Customization of event types and classifications on the mobile version

On mobile, it is now possible to report an event of the new customizable type. The types now displayed to the user on the phone are adjusted to the terms determined by the managers to match the company’s nomenclature.

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of May 26, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of May 19, 2024

Bug Fixes Related to Contingency Plans

Errors could occur under certain circumstances when the contingency plan’s destination was a Windows sFTP server (unsupported special characters, path length exceeding 256 characters, etc.) which prevented the deposit of copies of your Energy Control Procedures (ECP) in the designated directories. Mitigation measures have been put in place to manage these errors and ensure that you have a complete copy of all your ECP.

Printing Options for Device Images in Lockout Tagout Sheet Steps

Because images are great, but sometimes cumbersome when there are many, it is now possible to choose, at the time of printing, whether the images related to devices should be integrated or not.

Increased Platform Security

Fields are now automatically cleaned of any script to eliminate Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) type attacks. Measures had already been put in place in the past to prevent this type of attack, but this new method increases the robustness of the measures in place to protect your data.

Correction of Issues Related to the Export of a Very Large Number of Risks

Users attempting to export a very large number of risks could encounter an error caused by the time required to process the request. This issue has now been fixed.

Week of May 12th, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of May 5th, 2024

Trades Required to Perform Lockout

In order to properly document the various trades necessary for the implementation of your lockout procedures, you can now define the positions required to perform certain steps. Whether it is based on the energy source or even a specific device, the selected information will be displayed on the Energy control Procedure at the time of printing. This will ensure that the right people are performing the right steps to reduce the risk of accidents.

Event Category Management

You can now create and delete event fact categories to further adapt the software to your different event investigation techniques. As before, you can still deactivate categories that are no longer useful to you, but for which you would like to keep the data.

Position Filter in the Risk List

To save you from having to endlessly search through your risk inventory to identify all the risks associated with a particular position, you can now filter the list by positions.

Risk Duplication

Because the risk inventory is normally done based on a position, a machine or task, you can now duplicate an entered risk to speed up the entry of risks that you have inventoried in the field.

Secondary Inspectors

Since inspections are sometimes performed by more than one person, it is now possible to add other people as secondary inspectors. This will ensure that all individuals involved in the process can be documented.

Week of April 28th, 2024

Confirmation of Risk Disapproval

To avoid unintentional disapproval of a risk, a confirmation message is now displayed to users when they attempt to modify risks that has been approved.

Work Task Filter in the Risk List

To save you from having to endlessly search through your risk inventory to identify all the risks associated with a particular task, you can now filter the list by work tasks.

Week of April 21st, 2024

Dynamic Risk Progress Indicator

The indicator in the risk list now updates according to the selected filters and entered search criteria. This will allow you to quickly know the status of your risks for a unit, a machine, etc.

Modifying Control Measure Details

It is now possible to modify the details of a control measure associated to a risk to adjust the level of information provided to the workers.

Inspected Machine Names

To allow you to quickly know which of your machines have been inspected, a new column indicating the name of the machine selected during the inspection has been added to the list of completed inspections.

Unit Specific Energy Control Procedure Templates

Because sometimes flexibility is required to get a new tool adopted by new factories or departments, it is now possible to create specific Energy Control Procedure templates for certain parts of your organization. You will therefore have a global model and allow sites that have specific requirements, or employees particularly resistant to change, to have unique Energy Control Procedure format. You can always delete a specific template in order to bring that unit back into the fold.

Contingency plans limits

You can now see the number of contingency plans allowed in your contract directly on the contingency plan management page. This will avoid any surprises if you ever want to deploy additional contingency plans.

Lockout Usage Indicator

Because it is sometimes difficult to know who to contact for questions or relevant feedback, we have created an indicator that allows you to identify the 5 users who have most frequently used Energy Control Procedures for each of the statuses. This indicator will therefore ensure that you survey the most active people and not just the loudest ones.

Week of April 14th, 2024

Risk Approval Management

To enable you to maintain control over the risks in your company, you can now approve risks individually. Any modification of an approved risk will revoke its approval to prevent changes from going unnoticed. And to prevent individuals from approving risks without authorization, risk approval rights can be assigned to your different roles.

Improvement in the Job and Task Lists Management

To provide more flexibility to frontline managers, the job list management and the work tasks management are now governed by two separate rights. It is therefore possible to retain the position’s management at the human resources level and to delegate the work task’s management to frontline managers, considering they are the ones who best understand the tasks their employees need to perform and their associated risks.

Lockout Tagout Sheet Printing Options

To enable experienced employees to speed up the execution of lockout procedures, it is now possible to select whether attached documents and photos should be printed or not on the paper copy. This option will allow them to reduce the number of pages they have to carry around when performing lockout and consequently reduce the mental load required to read each step.

Week of April 7th, 2024

Improvement of Inspection Scheduling Visualization

To reduce the learning curve of new inspectors into your processes, the planned observation points displayed in the mobile application have been grouped by subject. As a result, they will find a view reminiscent of what they may have encountered elsewhere in their career, even though the underlying scheduling allows for more flexibility.

Week of March 31st, 2024

Improved tracking of Environmental Type Events

To allow environmental managers to stay on top of their reporting requirements when it comes to spills, new fields have been added in the “Report” section of events:

  • The date and time of reporting at the state level
  • The date and time of reporting at the federal level

It is also now possible to configure a field that allows the documentation of particular elements related to spills. This field, also displayed in the “Report” section of each event, can be modified directly in the event type settings.

Tree Form Machine Filter in Risks

Because navigating a tree is easier than scrolling through a flat list, we have changed how the machine filter in the risk list is displayed. You will now be able to find risks associated with a particular machine or location a lot faster.

Number of Printed Lockouts Indicator

To provide you with a quick overview of your lockout activities, a new indicator now displays the number of lockouts that have been carried out from a printed form within the selected period.

Number of Lockouts Performed via the Mobile App Indicator

As some clients have already begun converting their paper processes, a second indicator has been deployed to allow you to more easily track your lockout tasks. This indicator shows the number of lockouts that have been performed using the mobile app and will, when combined with the previous indicator, help you monitor the progress of digitizing your lockout execution processes.

Reminder Email for Inspections

To help your collaborators remember their responsibilities regarding your inspection program, a weekly reminder email containing the list of all the points they need to inspect can be automatically sent to them. This feature currently needs to be activated manually; contact our support to request its activation on your environment.

Week of March 24th, 2024

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of March 17th, 2024

Tree Form Machine Filter in Lockout

As it is easier to navigate through a tree than a flat list, we have changed how the machine filter in the lockout list is displayed. Finding the Energy Control Procedure you need to perform your lockout will now be a whole lot easier.

Inspected Person’s Name

Because you sometimes need to check who was inspected and who wasn’t as part of your Behavioral Based Safety program, a new column showing the name of the person selected during the inspection has been added to the list of completed inspections.

Inspected Person’s name Filter

And because we know you don’t want to scroll endlessly through the list of all your completed inspections, you can now filter your list of completed inspections based on the inspected persons’ name. As a bonus, the filter will show you the number of inspections that have been carried out on each person.

Lockout Yearly inspection renewal

Since not all jurisdictions consider the use of an Energy Control Procedure by an Authorized Person as a valid inspection, the function that resets the expiration date of an energy Control Procedure when it is used is now optional. You can activate or deactivate this feature directly in your lockout workflow settings.

Configurable Car Seal Registry on Lockout Form

You now have control over the section on the lockout form that allows you to document the car seals used. You can change the number of lines you want to have, document the reason for changing the car seal, the date of removal and the person who removed it in order to fully document the lockout when frequent partial unlocking are required.

Week of March 10th, 2024

Risk Inventory Coverage Indicator

A new indicator has been added to allow various managers to know the work remaining in terms of risk inventory. This indicator quickly shows the extent of the risk inventory that has been conducted from several perspectives:

  • Inventory by machines
  • Inventory by workstations
  • Inventory by tasks

Managers will thus be able to quickly understand the work remaining to complete the company’s full risk inventory and better plan their resources.

Risk Mitigation Indicator by Level of Risk

This new indicator allows users to quickly visualize the distribution of the worst risks in the software based on their mitigation. You will therefore quickly know how many risks have not yet been addressed.

Improvement of the Risk Distribution Indicator

The risk distribution chart has been improved to include the total count of risks, allowing users to benefit from a complete perspective on all identified risks.

Complete an Intervention on the Web

Because not all your employees have access to mobile devices, it is now possible to mark a control as removed directly on the web. In addition to letting you know the status of work in the factory, regardless of the medium used, this new feature will also help eliminate the mountains of documents you have to archive. When withdrawing a control from the web interface, the user must enter the completion date and a supporting document for the control they are removing. Proof of work performed will now be fully preserved in the software instead of in a bin.

QR Code on Printed Forms

To allow users to more quickly find the intervention related to a specific lockout, a QR code is displayed on the printed lockout procedure that is posted on the lockout box.

Redesign of the Staff List

The display of the staff list has been revised to align the navigation with the rest of the lists in the software.

Simplification of the Management of Lockout Reference Lists

You can now manage the elements of each of the reference lists directly in the selection menus. This new feature increases the ease of use of the software by allowing users with the necessary rights to make changes quickly without having to change context.

Indicators of the Number of Expired Forms

You can now quickly know the amount of work to do to get up to date with your lockout tagout forms. Expired forms that have been re-approved will disappear from this indicator.

Week of March 3rd, 2024

History of Devices

The modification history of devices is now available. All actions performed on each of the software’s devices can now be viewed so that you can reconstruct the sequence of events.

Indicator of Forms that Will Expire

You can now quickly know the amount of work to do to stay up to date with your lockout tagout forms thanks to this new indicator.

Week of February 25th, 2024

Addition of Support for Spanish

Spanish is now supported in CONFORMiT. Just like the other languages, you can now translate all the software data into Spanish. Your Spanish-speaking collaborators will now be able to use all the applications of CONFORMiT in their native language.

Week of February 18th, 2024

Control Measures Details

To allow you to better document your risk reduction efforts, it is now possible to add details about the selected control measures. These details will also be displayed in the risk control measures table.

Simplification of Display for Risk-Only Consultation Users

To simplify the communication of risks to all employees, the display of the risk details page has been adjusted for users who only have view rights. The information is now displayed in a report format on a single page.

Integration of Images to Support Inspections

It is now possible to use images as additional information in observation points. This will allow you to clearly indicate what is compliant to simplify the inspectors job.

Standardization of the Inspections List

The display of the inspections list has been revised to align the way to navigate through it with the rest of the lists in the software.

Improved Navigation in the Details of an Inspection

The position is now preserved when navigating within the details of a completed inspection. You will therefore be able to navigate through the inspections without having to continuously scroll to find the place where you left off.

Indicator of Lockout Tagout Sheet Usage

To enable you to know the health status of lockout in your factory, department, or even your team, you can now consult the chart showing the evolution of the use of lockout tagout sheets. You will thus be able to determine if your collaborators are performing the lockout as planned and if the procedures they use are adequate.

Ability to See in Which Sheets a Device Is Used

You can now view the list of procedures in which a device is used. This will allow you to understand the impact of your changes and to quickly access the affected sheets.

Week of February 11th, 2024

Redesign of the CAPA List

The display of the CAPA list has been revised to align the navigation with the rest of the lists in the software.

Week of February 4th, 2024

History of Interventions

The complete history of all actions carried out on an intervention is now available. You can consult all the information for each step:

  • The status of the step
  • The exact time of completion
  • The data entered
  • The applied fixes

This history will allow you to reconstruct the complete thread of events during an investigation.

Optimization of the CONFORMiT Intervention mobile app

The performance related to consulting the lockout tagout sheets on the CONFORMiT Intervention mobile app has been improved to make you even more efficient in your work. Some minor fixes have also been made.

Week of January 28th, 2024

PDF Printing Enhancement

You can now print risks in PDF format to communicate them to all your workers, regardless of whether they have access to the software or not. The report allows anyone to quickly understand the risks, the measures to be implemented, and their impact.

Dynamic CAPA Management

You can now change the person assigned to a CAPA without having to change the status, such as when an employee goes on vacation or falls ill.

Document what powers a device and what it powers

Since a device is always connected to something else, it is now possible to record what a device powers (pump, tank, etc.) and what powers it (filter, valve, isolator). This information will ultimately allow the suggestion of replacement devices when a breakdown occurs in the field, or even suggest lockout procedures based on the chosen machine.

Indicator of the Total Number of Records Created

You can now quickly know the total number of Lockout procedures you need to manage in the software. The indicator in question will also let you know whether this number has increased or decreased compared to the previous time interval.

Unit filter for lockout dashboard

The dashboard now offers a new Unit filter, which allows tracking all indicators based on a specific location within the organizational structure.

Week of January 21st, 2024

Risk Sharing with Workers

It is now possible to print a summary of a risk in PDF format to display the risks to workers in the field or to communicate the risks to non-users of the software. You can ensure that all individuals working within your company are aware of both the risks they will encounter and the measures to eliminate them.

Week of January 14th, 2024

Filter by Initial Risk Index

You can now filter the risk list based on the initial risk level. This allows you to quickly find the most critical risks for your organization.

Retry System within the Contingency Plan

The contingency plan, which creates a copy of your lockout tagout records at regular intervals on your equipment, has been improved. If an error occurs during the transfer, the contingency plan will be able to reset itself and resume work from the point of interruption. This ensures that all records have been transferred as planned, without requiring human intervention.

Week of January 7th, 2024

Addition of JSON Format to API Endpoints for Event and CAPA Data Export

To facilitate integration with third-party platforms, it is now possible to export data from the event modules in JSON format, in addition to the already available Excel and CSV formats.

Keyword Search in Machine Management

To ease the consultation and identification of machines within the organizational structure, a search tool is now available in the interface.

Risk Export

The entirety of data related to risks can now be exported directly from the platform. The data, which is available in Excel and JSON formats, can also be connected directly to your favorite BI platform through our APIs. This allows you to share your operational indicators in real-time with the rest of your company.

Main Photo in Risk Details

You can now select the image that will be highlighted for each risk. This will allow all workers in your company to quickly identify the type of risk they are facing, without having to read lengthy descriptions. This means a significant reduction in the time needed to recognize and respond to potential risks.

The complexity of deciphering dense textual reports is eliminated, as a picture is worth a thousand words. The ease of visual understanding reduces barriers to entry for all team members, regardless of their level of expertise. This update is much more than a simple aesthetic improvement; it is a strategic advancement in the way we anticipate and manage risks, making information not only more accessible but also more actionable.

Display of Severity of Consequences in Risks

With the direct display of the severity value for each consequence, users now benefit from an increased understanding of the potential impact of each new consequence on the risk. This greatly facilitates risk assessments and allows for faster analysis.

Week of December 31st, 2023

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of December 24th, 2023

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of December 17th, 2023

Printing current interventions

Because when it comes to lockout, not having a mobile shouldn’t prevent you from accessing the info, it is now possible to print a lockout performed on a mobile device. The information entered will be automatically integrated into the form to show the progress of the work and information related to isolation and return to service.

Padlocking dashboard

It is now possible to consult the status of procedures in an indicator within the padlocking module. Like all other indicators in the software, the amount of information displayed is based on the user’s membership. You will now be able to instantly know the health of lockout in your organization.

History of use of a Lockout sheet

In addition to modifications, the history of a lockout procedure now includes the usage log. This includes all consultations, all impressions as well as uses via the Intervention mobile app. The history displays the user’s name, date and time for each action.

Week of December 10th, 2023

Lockout procedure customization

The content of the first page of the lockout sheet as well as the content of the tables listing the shutdown, isolation and return to service steps can now be adjusted. This new functionality will allow you to quickly adapt to changes required by regulations or by your organization.

Printing the status of the lockout procedure as a watermark

To avoid mistakenly using a lockout procedure in a state other than approved, a watermark indicating the status of the procedure can now be added on the printed copy. The watermark will appear on all printed pages of the procedure to avoid errors in the event that the first page is lost.

Personnel-related inspections

It is now possible to create inspection forms intended to be carried out on staff, such as task observations or training evaluations. When this new type of inspection is selected for a subject, the user carrying out the inspection will be able to select the person observed in order to associate the results.

Filter user list by user status

A new filter has been integrated into the user list to quickly list all active or inactive users. By default, the list will now only display active users.

Week of December 3rd, 2023

Updating control measures

You can now update the status of a control measure in a risk following its implementation. This will allow you to execute changes in the software more quickly following your field implementation efforts.

Display the individual impact of control measures

In order to make sure that you are always working on implementing the control measure with the highest impact on your risk, we’ve added the ability to see each control measure’s potential impact directly in the table of control measures.

Filter risks by observer

You can now filter the list of risks based on who observed them to allow you, for example, to quickly find the elements you have worked on.

Documenting risks within events

The portion of the interface related to listing the associated risks in the event module has been modified to allow you to more easily document hazards linked to events and to be able to link existing hazards/risks to an event. This will allow you to make risk management more dynamic, as each new risk documented on an event is now automatically added to your global risk inventory.

Week of November 26th, 2023

Duplicating a Device

To help you speed up the process of creating Energy Control Procedures, it is now possible to duplicate an energy isolation device. All of the device’s information, except the device’s pictures since they are 99.9% of the time different, are duplicated. You can modify the basic data of the device before adding it to the list so that you can easily find it.

Customizing event types

It is now possible to rename event types to align them with your own business vocabulary. A fourth event type has also been added to allow you to manage more event types in CONFORMiT (Quality, Cybersecurity, etc.).

Added the potential consequences column to the Risk hub

The column of consequences selected in the risk, called “Potential Consequences” in the risk hub, has been added. You will now be able to know the kind of consequences that an event can represent without having to access the details.

Customizing the risk list

It is now possible to control the information displayed in the risk hub by selecting the columns displayed as well as their display order. This order is saved for each user to avoid having to always redo the same work.

Risk Compliance Level Filter

You can now filter the list of risks based on compliance level. This will allow you to more quickly identify and address risks that are, for example, subject to a regulatory non-compliance.

Risk distribution indicator

Because a picture is worth 1000 words, you can now view the distribution of your risks in an indicator instead of counting them by hand. The indicator will allow you to see the concentration of your risks according to the scale or matrix you have defined. You will therefore be able to evaluate the effectiveness of your calculation method more easily.

Week of November 19th, 2023

Machine QR codes

You can now generate QR codes for each of your machines to ensure workers have access to the right procedures. Once the QR code has been scanned, the worker will be able to consult the lockout steps and instantly start their intervention.

Week of November 12th, 2023

New filter for Devices by unit

New functionality in the Padlocking module: the Device List can now be filtered by unit(s).

  • This hierarchical filter, which functions like the Lockout List Location filter, displays the user’s Units.
  • This brings a lot of value to managers.

Not only can they isolate Devices within a Unit, but by searching they can also see that some Devices have the same name in different Units, for example.

Personal Access Token to simplify integration with third-party software

It is now possible to perform integrations with CONFORMiT using Personal Access Tokens (PAT) as an authentication method. PATs can be generated and revoked directly by users with the necessary rights to simplify the integration of third-party systems with CONFORMiT.

Support during the first use of the intervention module

Support for first users of the intervention module has been added to facilitate the deployment of its functionalities into their daily tasks.

Shift change management

It is now possible to modify the control information within an intervention, in order to specify:

  • the participants
  • seal number
  • series of padlocks
  • lockout box number.

You will now be able to adequately document the necessary information during a shift or assignment change in order to guarantee the continuity of your safety controls.

Simplifying evidence management

You can now add photo evidence of each of your inspection points without adding comments. This improvement will allow you to reduce inspection time and also reduces the learning curve for new inspectors.

Faster inspection data synchronization

The synchronization time for information related to inspections is now 10x faster than before, which eliminates certain problems associated to data synchronization carried out on very low speed network (less than 1Mbit/second)

Week of November 5th, 2023

Automatic recovery in the event of a failure

Pages viewed during a temporary service outage are now automatically refreshed to allow you to resume your work more quickly.

Optimization of the display of the risk matrix

Loading time for complex risk matrices has been reduced by 95%.

Week of October 29th, 2023

Filter devices by Unit

To help you find the devices you’re looking for more quickly, you can now filter the list of devices based on the organizational units where they are used. The filter is saved from one session to the next to allow you to quickly find the elements that are relevant to you.

Filter by residual risk index

You can now easily identify risks that exceed your company’s threshold with the residual risk level filter.

Week of October 22nd, 2023

Control of columns in the Isolation devices hub

Like last week’s update in the Lockout hub, you can now control the display of columns within the Isolation devices hub. This will allow you to choose the columns you want to display on the screen to allow you to accomplish your tasks as efficiently as possible.

New columns available in the Isolation devices hub

Several new columns are now available for display in the Isolation devices hub:

  • Featured image
  • Location
  • Required mechanism
  • Shutdown position
  • Isolation position
  • Return to service position
  • Units

Having this data available will allow you to better understand what is happening in the field of operations, thereby giving you the ability to make better informed decision.

Role filter in the User list

To allow you to quickly understand who’s doing what in your company, we’ve added the ability to filter the list of users by roles.

Week of October 15th, 2023

Control of columns in the Lockout procedure hub

You can now control the display of columns within the lockout procedure hub. This will allow you to choose the columns you want to display on the screen to allow you to accomplish your tasks as efficiently as possible.

New columns available in the Lockout procedure hub

Several new columns are now available for display in the lockout procedure hub:

  • Assigned collaborators
  • Status due date
  • Last modification date
  • Last use date
  • Number of attached documents
  • Number of steps
  • Number of uses
  • Associated unit

Having this data available will allow you to better understand what is happening in the field of operations, thereby giving you the ability to make better informed decision.

Week of October 8th, 2023

Improved visibility of changes to inspection forms

A banner allowing you to know if a form contains undeployed changes has been added to the inspection subject details page to avoid oversights. In addition to deploying or reverting changes, the banner also indicates if the form contains errors that would prevent you from deploying it.

Duplicating an inspection subject

Duplicating an inspection subject copies all sections and inspection points from the deployed version but does not duplicate schedules so you can quickly create unique forms for different sites.

Viewing the inspection summary

It is now possible to view the compliance level graph in the web interface for each inspection. Aside from looking a lot prettier than just a number, it also allows you to know if any questions were skipped and if there are still pending problems.

Improved printed report of completed inspections

Because a picture is worth a thousand words when it comes to the printed inspection report now contains:

  • The compliance level graph
  • Photos taken in the comments
  • Photos taken in the corrective measures

This will make communicating the full story surrounding each inspection with stakeholders who do not have access to the software a lot easier.

Week of October 1st, 2023

Role based approval workflow for lockout

To ensure the right people are performing the right tasks when it comes to approving your LOTO procedures, we’ve added the ability to specify which role(s) are allowed to be assigned to each step of your workflow. When assigning a collaborator at a specific status on any given procedure, only users that have at least one of the specified roles will be allowed to be assigned.

Export of intervention data

All data related to interventions can now be exported directly from the platform. The data, which is available in Excel and JSON formats, can also be connected directly to your favorite BI platform through our APIs to allow you to share your operations indicators in real time with the rest of your business.

Week of September 24th, 2023

Printing files associated to lockout procedures

Documents that are attached to individual lockout procedures, like P&IDs, floor plans, etc., will now be printed alongside the lockout instructions to ensure workers have all the information available in hand when they set out to do their work.

Approval of changes in reference lists

Similar to how changes to devices work, changes made to any item in the lockout reference lists will now trigger the change publishing approval workflow to ensure that the impacted lockout procedures are managed properly.

Exact risk values

In the list of risks, we can now see for each risk, not only its initial and residual index but also the corresponding exact calculation values. This aims to help with prioritization if several risks have the same index.

Machine tree management

To grant you more flexibility when it comes to the way you organize your plant in CONFORMiT, it is now possible to move a machine in the machine structure even if there are risks associated with it. All of the risks that are associated to it, or its children, will be updated accordingly.

Week of September 17th, 2023

Real-time intervention

The implementation, as well as the removal of controls, is now synchronized in real time. All those directly or indirectly involved in the work will now be able to know the exact status of the work and plan their contribution.

You can still work offline; the data will be synced automatically when the network is accessible.

Monitoring of lockout actions

To allow you to have a more complete view of your responsibilities and thus shorten response time, lockout sheets (creation, assignment, status changes) now appear on the home page in your list of responsibilities.

Risk management process

To allow you to have a more complete view of your responsibilities and thus shorten response time, lockout sheet assignment (creation, assignment, status changes) now appear on the home page in your list of responsibilities.

Improvement of the risk list

To allow you to better understand the distribution of your risks, it is now possible to see the machines associated with each risk directly in the list.

Improved risk research

In addition to searching risks by hazards, tasks, identifiers or positions, the risk search field is now able to find risks by risk index, unit name, unit identifier, machine name and machine identifier.

Week of September 10th, 2023

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of September 3rd, 2023

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of August 27th, 2023

Collaboration and error prevention

Modifying the parameters of the risk matrix leads to a recalculation of all the risks within the platform. Users attempting to modify a risk during this period are now informed that a global recalculation is underway and that they will be able to resume their work shortly.

Optimization of inspection routes

To help inspectors better plan their schedules, we have grouped scheduled observation points based on the due date and location of the inspection.

Week of August 20th, 2023

Improved default printed format of lockout sheets

Improved the default print format of lockout sheets to make them easier to read for workers.

Lockout contingency plan in case of network loss

In order to ensure business continuity in the event of an Internet access blackout, it is now possible to make a regular backup of all your lockout procedures on local disks.

Improved navigation

Nothing is more frustrating than scrolling down a page searching for something, opening a link to check out whether it’s what you’re looking for, backing out because it’s not, only to find out you’re back to the top of the page and you have to scroll back down again… So, to make sure you don’t ever have to go through this using CONFORMiT, the position of the previous page is now kept in memory to allow you to continue exactly where you left off.

Adding options in inspection scheduling

It is now possible to schedule inspections at the following frequencies:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-annual
  • Annual

With the addition of these new options, it is now also possible to set the date from which inspections must be scheduled so that you do not have to wait until the next period to start them.

Week of August 13th, 2023

Improved default printed format of lockout sheets

We have made some changes to the default print format of lockout sheets following feedback from several clients.

Duplication of lockout sheets

Because you often need to create task or partial lockouts to speed up recuring tasks and doing it from scratch every time is time consuming, we’ve added the ability to duplicate an existing lockout sheet. This will allow you to quickly create a new procedure and simply remove the steps that are no longer necessary. You’ll even have the ability to choose whether you want to include the associated documents in the process.

Improved behavior of lockout instruction text fields

The text fields in the lockout sheets will now print exactly how you created them. We were previously removing seemingly unnecessary characters like superfluous carriage returns and trailing spaces but realised that some of you wanted to keep them because you were using them to manage the distribution of information in those fields.

Access management to the inspection module

In order to avoid user’s cognitive overload, the inspection module can, if necessary, be completely hidden from users.

Week of August 6th, 2023

Optimization of the modification of the risk matrix

All changes related to the risk matrix (reference list, risk calculation formula, etc.) were reviewed to reduce their execution time. All of these tasks, which typically impact all the risks and events documented in in the platform, now run in the background to avoid slowing you down and compute times have been reduced by more than 95%.

Adding mathematical operators to the risk formula

In order to cover additional risk level calculation scenarios, the square root (√) has been added to the list of available operators.

Machine structure management

In order to offer more flexibility in the reporting of events and the performance of inspections, it is now possible to document the list of your machines, functional locations, regardless of the modules acquired. Previously, only customers with risk analysis or lockout modules were able to access this functionality. Functional machines and locations are linked to the organizational units as childs, but are managed separately from organizational units, as there is no need to manage members, owners, addresses, etc.

Improved document management tool

The tool used to upload documents to events and CAPAs has been replaced to increase its accessibility and performance. In addition to being faster, the tool is now easier to use for people with disabilities.

Updated look for the inspection pages

In order to standardize the user experience and provide more information to users, we have revised the display of the “inspection topics” page. You will now be able to quickly know, for each inspection topic:

The units concerned

  • The total number of observation points
  • The number of planned observation points
  • The number of changes waiting to be deployed
  • The date of deployment
  • Subject status (active/inactive)

This redesign of the list of topics also allowed us to review the detail page of each inspection topic and improve the layout of information.

Week of July 30th, 2023

Deployment of minor fixes

Week of July 23rd, 2023

Lockout procedure filters

The location filter is now displayed as a tree instead of a list so you can find the procedures you are looking for faster.

Improved navigation and disposition of information

The breadcrumb (where you see which pages you visited before) has been moved to the top banner to allow you to see as much information as possible in each of the pages of the software.

Increase the number of characters in task names

The number of characters allowed in task names has been increased as a result of customer feedback.

Week of July 16th, 2023

Lockout validation process history

You can now reconstruct the complete timeline of the approval process for any procedure using the information available in the history.

Intervention location filter

The intervention location filter is now displayed as a tree instead of a list so you can find the procedures you are looking for faster.

Details of an intervention

The name of the contact person and the work order associated with an intervention are now visible and editable on the web to allow you to make changes directly from your workstation without having to go through your mobile device.

Delete an intervention

It is now possible to delete an intervention, regardless of its status to allow you to keep control over the actual work to be performed.

Week of July 9th, 2023

Manage users from Azure AD

It is now possible to automate user management in CONFORMiT (create/modify/delete) from Azure AD. You can now be sure that your employees always have the right access to the platform without lifting a finger.

Week of July 2nd, 2023

Automated risk level calculation

It is now possible to automate the calculation of the severity of a risk based on the selected consequences. This will allow you to simplify the work of risk analysis, because it is often easier, when the analysis is done in groups, to speak in terms of consequence than in terms of severity.

Managing the order of lockout steps

You can now move lockout steps within a procedure by dragging and dropping instead of using the up/down arrows. This will allow you to make changes to your lockout procedures more quickly.

Duration of inspections

It is now possible to consult the duration of inspections on the web. Aside from allowing you to better plan inspections according to the time required to perform them, it will allow you to perform checks on the quality of individual inspections.

Week of June 25th, 2023

Major Event Management

Because an incident can often have more than one consequence, you can now link together multiple events to break down and manage individual accident reports, investigations, root cause analyses and safety measures.

Support for multilingual businesses

In order to avoid errors due to misunderstanding, companies can add a 3rd supported language to their environment. For example, a user will be able to complete an inspection in Spanish (interface and data), his supervisor will be able to look at it in English and the plant manager will be able to follow the indicators in French without any loss of information.