Risk Analysis
Over the last few months, a reflection has been carried out with the ESG Environment, Social and Governance Squad to update the Sustainable Development policy. This initiative was necessary following changes to the company's vision, mission, and values. Conformit needs you to show your support by signing off on the Policy.
Create excellent, intelligent, and user-friendly SaaS solutions for making better sustainability (ESG) decisions in high-risk industries.
Building a more sustainable future.
Agility, Kindness, Creativity, Open-mindedness, and Excellence
Agility: A living, evolving structure, meaning freedom and self-management for employees, and allowing for alignment with corporate objectives.
Kindness: Consideration and dedication, but above all deep respect for people, their community, and the planet.
Creativity: Aesthetic and pragmatic approach that guides us in what we do, the mother of all innovation.
Open-mindedness: Symbiosis of curiosity and universal vision of the world around us.
Excellence: Delivering what has been promised by exceeding all expectations.
To be a global leader in transformative and sustainable technologies that influence and support communities and businesses to build a better world.
Sustainable Development Policy
At CONFORMiT, we fully believe in sustainable development, and it is with our entrepreneurial fibre that we believe we can Build a more sustainable future. We want to act locally and globally while respecting our values of Agility, Kindness, Creativity, Open-mindedness, and Excellence. CONFORMiT embraces the ambition to work relentlessly to become a global leader and wants to achieve this ambitious goal through its involvement and the implementation of transformative technologies. This is to influence and support our stakeholders (employees, members, suppliers, customers, and partners) in building a more sustainable world in the areas of social equity, entrepreneurship, environmental preservation, health and safety, and local and global economic growth. We also adopt a continuous improvement approach in our processes to achieve the highest standards of a SaaS company.
Sound Management of Occupational Health and Safety
We aim to ensure that our employees can carry out their work in a safe environment. We encourage our stakeholders (clients, partners, and suppliers) to adopt good health and safety practices. To ensure this safe working environment we:
- Promote good health, safety and sustainable development practices through the creation of specific SQUADs;
- Define the risks we are exposed to, assess our vulnerabilities and establish prevention and mitigation measures to reduce our exposure which will be documented in our prevention programme and in our SaaS solution;
- We report and manage injuries, illnesses, and accidents. We investigate critical incidents to learn from them;
- Assess and prepare for emergencies and crises; and
- Encourage and support our employees to participate in programmes to improve their health and well-being.
Preservation of the Environment
We believe that preserving the environment, reducing our carbon footprint can happen at work and at home, even though we are a technology company. To achieve this, we:
- Promote to our employees and stakeholders concrete actions to reduce our impact on water, air and soil;
- Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by making carpooling and active transportation available;
- Work together with other organisations, governments, and stakeholders to provide solutions to climate change;
- Ensure that we minimise our impact on the environment through continuous improvement of our work processes; and
- Promote the 4R approach (reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover) to stakeholders so that they adopt these behaviours in their daily lives.
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Local and Global Economic Growth
Through our expertise, experience, and SaaS solutions, we encourage and support entrepreneurial initiatives among our employees, customers, suppliers, partners and our community. To achieve this, we:
- Value the working groups (SQUAD) oriented towards the exchange of information and knowledge;
- Promote entrepreneurship among employees; and
- Make continuous changes to our SaaS solution by acquiring and evaluating the overall value of improvement opportunities submitted by our users.
Social Equity, Our People, and the Community
Aligned With our holacratic structure and our involvement in the local and global community, we:
- Do not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment or physical or mental aggression;
- Value diversity and treat all employees, customers, partners, contractors and service providers equally;
- Offer a fair wage;
- Encourage local purchasing and the use of local contractors and service providers;
- Adopt fair employment practices with openings to all countries of the world;
- Promote the integration of employees and their families who join our teams;
- Implement innovative human resources management practices and communicate them to our employees;
- Promote the continuous training of our employees;
- Encourage exchange between employees and the sharing of knowledge through different ways of working; and
- Include our employees in our strategic thinking exercises.
The Sustainable Development Policy was read and accepted by the members of the Board of Directors on
Board Members:
- Étienne Jacques, Director
- Jean-François Mignon, Director
- Alexandre Cervinka, Director
- Claude McMaster, Director
- Isabelle Frénette, Director
- Richard Gendron, Director
- Eric Desbiens, President